Monday, December 28, 2009

Parents and Myspace?

My parent's are SO worried about me getting a myspace, but I'm not going to do anything stupid! My profile will be on private, I will only add to my friends list the people I know in REAL LIFE, I'm not going to put where I live, my last name, address, or phone number! What can I do to convince my parents that my Myspace won't be the end of my life?!?!?!?!

Parents and Myspace?

Have you told them that?

Tell them they're allowed to check it and see it, but not log on to it.

Personally, I think logging onto it would be too far.

And are you at least fourteen years old?

EDIT: Don't listen to luckywhatever, mainly because a lot of hackings are because people are stupid and give their password to their friends who end up hating them later. Or just to random people. I saw someone's get hacked 'cause of it. It was kind of funny. =D

You can hide certain info too. Most MySpace layout sites will have something that says it'll hide that part of your info.

Parents and Myspace?


they will never agreee

I needa true friend. mail me at

Parents and Myspace?

if you are real young....let her have access to the page

Parents and Myspace?

Tom has it set to private it auntomatically if you are uner 18.

so nothing to worry about there.

just tell them that they can watch you make it.

Parents and Myspace?

myspace is a horrible idea sorry. there is information that you need to give myspace in order to sign up for the account. And multiple accounts are getting "hacked" and changing profiles and attaining personal information because it is a horrible site. But on the other hand they wont let you get a myspace but online group such as this they have no problem with?

Parents and Myspace?

Offer to have them monitor your profile on myspace.. this was they are more comfortable with you being on myspace if they know what you have on it... and know more about it...other then all the creepy stuff they show on tv!!

Good luck!

Parents and Myspace?

you should show all the things you can do on myspace such as making your page private making your photos private as well as hiding your details. talk to your parents about how safe it can be and how they should trust you. tell them that you are only going to add people you know and only talk to people you know. :)

Parents and Myspace?

Tell them they can look over your profile to show it is a private profile and if they see something they object to, you will change it. Other than that, I don't see what choice you have. If they won't allow you to have it with their approval and checking everything over to make sure nothing is wrong or that you are posting any info.. they must just like being unreasonable.

Parents and Myspace?

My mom was just fine with me getting a myspace and i was really careful too. Then one day i got accused of threatening someone when i didn't. Now they couldnt prove it and I couldnt prove my side but the girls parents where willing to put me through hell anyways. I would be concered if I was your mom too. The best advice I can give is let your mom check on your site. Make sure everything is ok and appropriate. You might say NO WAY but believe me, after what I went through I wish I would have just let my mom check mine. She might trust me a little more today.

Parents and Myspace?

Ok first of all you don't need a myspace, but if you want to have one then fine.

First tell them it is safe and that if you are not going to make friends with strangers that they do not need to worry.

Also Myspace is pretty secure and just make sure that you dont make friends with people you dont know cause that could be troublesome

Parents and Myspace?

just talk to them and explain it nicely...

Parents and Myspace?

I am a parent and I dislike My-space with a passion.. I am sorry to say this... But if you are sincere about keeping it private... BECAUSE Not private is unsafe and trust me there are a lot of bad people on the web! You might consider this... If you really want to do My-space and you are truly going to keep it clean and safe, SAFE enough for your parents to visit then ask your parents if they would be willing to sit with you when you create your space... Ask them to help you with it, so they will understand it is clean and safe.. If they say NO, then give it some time and ask again later.. This time ask them if they want to make a family My-space with you.. HONESTLY if you are not willing to have your parents see what you have planned for the space then it is likely not worth posting! Your parents are just trying to keep you safe and using preventive (Parental instincts) Show then you are willing to be monitored while posting and then maybe they will lighten up.. Your call.... Good luck

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